Plan of Tien-pe-hien on the coast of China, by Capt.n George Stainforth ; Gallong, or Gelang Bay in Lat 18°14' N., on south coast of Hainan called St. Peters Bay, in Capt. Ekebergs chart, from Capt.n Charles Deane of the E. of Sandwich Indiaman who winterd there in 1776. East Brother [...] by D. Ross 1817 / Hydrographical Office ; The hills by P. Begbie ; The writing by W. Harrison

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Begbie P. (17..-17..? ; graveur). Graveur et al., « Plan of Tien-pe-hien on the coast of China, by Capt.n George Stainforth ; Gallong, or Gelang Bay in Lat 18°14' N., on south coast of Hainan called St. Peters Bay, in Capt. Ekebergs chart, from Capt.n Charles Deane of the E. of Sandwich Indiaman who winterd there in 1776. East Brother [...] by D. Ross 1817 / Hydrographical Office ; The hills by P. Begbie ; The writing by W. Harrison », Cartes et plans de Gallica

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