Distance Functions and Generalized Means: Duality and Taxonomy

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17 décembre 2021

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  • 2112.09443



Cornell University

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Walter Briec, « Distance Functions and Generalized Means: Duality and Taxonomy », arXiv - économie

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This paper introduces in production theory a large class of efficiency measures that can be derived from the notion of utility function. This article also establishes a relation between these distance functions and Stone-Geary utility functions. More specifically, the paper focusses on new distance function that generalizes several existing efficiency measures. The new distance function is inspired from the Atkinson inequality index and maximizes the sum of the netput expansions required to reach an efficient point. A generalized duality theorem is proved and a duality result linking the new distance functions and the profit function is obtained. For all feasible production vectors, it includes as special cases most of the dual correspondences previously established in the literature. Finally, we identify a large class of measures for which these duality results can be obtained without convexity.

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