Design of Cluster-Randomized Trials with Cross-Cluster Interference

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28 octobre 2023

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  • 2310.18836



Cornell University

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Michael P. Leung, « Design of Cluster-Randomized Trials with Cross-Cluster Interference », arXiv - économie

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Cluster-randomized trials often involve units that are irregularly distributed in space without well-separated communities. In these settings, cluster construction is a critical aspect of the design due to the potential for cross-cluster interference. The existing literature relies on partial interference models, which take clusters as given and assume no cross-cluster interference. We relax this assumption by allowing interference to decay with geographic distance between units. This induces a bias-variance trade-off: constructing fewer, larger clusters reduces bias due to interference but increases variance. We propose new estimators that exclude units most potentially impacted by cross-cluster interference and show that this substantially reduces asymptotic bias relative to conventional difference-in-means estimators. We provide formal justification for a new design that chooses the number of clusters to balance the asymptotic bias and variance of our estimators and uses unsupervised learning to automate cluster construction.

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