Regression Adjustment for Estimating Distributional Treatment Effects in Randomized Controlled Trials

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19 juillet 2024

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  • 2407.14074



Cornell University

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Tatsushi Oka et al., « Regression Adjustment for Estimating Distributional Treatment Effects in Randomized Controlled Trials », arXiv - économie

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In this paper, we address the issue of estimating and inferring the distributional treatment effects in randomized experiments. The distributional treatment effect provides a more comprehensive understanding of treatment effects by characterizing heterogeneous effects across individual units, as opposed to relying solely on the average treatment effect. To enhance the precision of distributional treatment effect estimation, we propose a regression adjustment method that utilizes the distributional regression and pre-treatment information. Our method is designed to be free from restrictive distributional assumptions. We establish theoretical efficiency gains and develop a practical, statistically sound inferential framework. Through extensive simulation studies and empirical applications, we illustrate the substantial advantages of our method, equipping researchers with a powerful tool for capturing the full spectrum of treatment effects in experimental research.

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