Clinical evaluation of IDAS II, a new electronic device enabling drug adherence monitoring.

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V. Santschi et al., « Clinical evaluation of IDAS II, a new electronic device enabling drug adherence monitoring. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1007/s00228-007-0364-7


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OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to evaluate clinically the acceptability of the IDAS II (Intelligent Drug Administration System), a new electronic device that enables drug adherence monitoring. METHODS: IDAS II was compared to another electronic monitor, the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) in a randomised two-way cross-over study involving 24 hypertensive patients treated with irbesartan. Patients used each device for 2 months. The main parameter of evaluation was the patients' opinion on both devices. Rates of adherence and blood pressure were also assessed. RESULTS: Most patients considered both devices to be reliable reminders (IDAS II: 75%;MEMS: 84%, p = ns). Ten patients (42%) preferred the MEMS, while 11 (46%) preferred the IDAS II; three (12%) expressed no preference. Patients found the MEMS device easier to use than the IDAS device (p < 0.001) but appreciated the IDAS blister packs better than the MEMS bulk packaging (p < 0.01). Over the 4-month period, the median "taking adherence" was excellent (99.2%) and comparable with both devices. However, the regularity of drug intake timing was higher with the IDAS II (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: IDAS II, a new electronic device enabling drug adherence monitoring without reconditioning of the drugs appears to be a well-accepted device. Overall, practicability and acceptability of the IDAS II and the MEMS device were similar. Thus, IDAS II could be a useful tool for the management of long-term therapies.

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