Was gibt es Neues bei der Klassifikation der peripheren T-Zell-Lymphomen? [What is new in the classification of peripheral T cell lymphomas?]

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L. de Leval et al., « Was gibt es Neues bei der Klassifikation der peripheren T-Zell-Lymphomen? [What is new in the classification of peripheral T cell lymphomas?] », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1007/s00292-023-01260-y


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In this review focus article, we highlight the main modifications introduced in the latest 2022 International Consensus Classification and World Health Organization classification (ICC and WHO-HAEM5) of mature T (and NK) cell neoplasms (PTCLs) and consequent implications for diagnostic practice. The changes result from recent advances in the genomic and molecular characterization of PTCLs and enhanced understanding of their pathobiology. Specifically, consideration is given to the following groups of diseases: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated neoplasms; follicular helper T cell lymphoma; anaplastic large cell lymphomas; primary intestinal T and NK cell lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders; and PTCL, not otherwise specified.

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