Eptingiacea and Saturnaliacea (Radiolaria) from the middle Carnian of Turkey and some late Ladinian to early Norian samples from Oman and Alaska

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Speciation (Biology)

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P. Dumitrica et al., « Eptingiacea and Saturnaliacea (Radiolaria) from the middle Carnian of Turkey and some late Ladinian to early Norian samples from Oman and Alaska », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1007/s12542-009-0043-3


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This article is a taxonomic study of the radiolarian species of the superfamilies Eptingiacea and Saturnaliacea occurring in the middle Carnian fauna from the Koseyahya section, near the town of Elbistan, southeastern Turkey. This fauna is characteristic of the Tetraporobrachia haeckeli Radiolarian Zone as defined in Austria and later found also in Turkey and Oman. It comes from an 8 m thick succession of clayey/cherty limestones from the lower part of the section. In addition, a few species from the late Ladinian and Carnian from Oman and the early Norian from Alaska have also been included in this study, in order to improve some generic diagnoses and to show the diversity and evolutionary trends of some genera. 32 radiolarian species of which 22 are new are described and illustrated, and assigned to 16 genera of which three are new (Capnuchospyris, Veleptingium, and Triassolaguncula). The diagnoses of some species, genera, subfamilies and families have been revised, and the family Eptingiidae has been raised to the rank of superfamily.

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