Rescue of the mature B cell compartment in BAFF-deficient mice by treatment with recombinant Fc-BAFF.

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L.K. Swee et al., « Rescue of the mature B cell compartment in BAFF-deficient mice by treatment with recombinant Fc-BAFF. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1016/j.imlet.2010.03.007


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BAFF deficiency in mice impairs B cell development beyond the transitional stage 1 in the spleen and thus severely reduces the size of follicular and marginal zone B cell compartments. Moreover, humoral immune responses in these mice are dramatically impaired. We now addressed the question whether the decrease in mature B cell numbers and the reduced humoral immune responses in BAFF-deficient mice could be overcome by the injection of recombinant BAFF. We therefore engineered a recombinant protein containing the human IgG1 Fc moiety fused to receptor-binding domain of human BAFF (Fc-BAFF). At 1 week after the second injection of this fusion protein a complete rescue of the marginal zone B cell compartment and a 50% rescue of the follicular B cell compartment was observed. Moreover these mice mounted a T cell-dependent humoral immune response indistinguishable from wild-type mice. By day 14 upon arrest of Fc-BAFF treatment mature B cell numbers in the blood dropped by 50%, indicating that the life span of mature B cells in the absence of BAFF is 14 days or less. Collectively these findings demonstrate that injection of Fc-BAFF in BAFF-deficient mice results in a temporary rescue of a functional mature B cell compartment.

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