Indication of spatially random occurrence of Chlamydia-like organisms in Bufo bufo tadpoles from ponds located in the Geneva metropolitan area.

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E. Vajana et al., « Indication of spatially random occurrence of Chlamydia-like organisms in Bufo bufo tadpoles from ponds located in the Geneva metropolitan area. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1016/j.nmni.2018.11.006


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Occurrence of bacteria belonging to the order Chlamydiales was investigated for the first time in common toad ( Bufo bufo ) tadpole populations collected from 41 ponds in the Geneva metropolitan area, Switzerland. A Chlamydiales -specific real-time PCR was used to detect and amplify the Chlamydiales 16S ribosomal RNA-encoding gene from the tails of 375 tadpoles. We found the studied amphibian populations to host Chlamydia -like organisms (CLOs) attributable to the genera Similichlamydia, Neochlamydia, Protochlamydia and Parachlamydia (all belonging to the family Parachlamydiaceae ), Simkania (family Simkaniaceae ) and Estrella (family Criblamydiaceae ); additionally, DNA from the genus Thermoanaerobacter (family Thermoanaerobacteriaceae ) was detected. Global autocorrelation analysis did not reveal a spatial structure in the observed CLOs occurrence rates, and association tests involving land cover characteristics did not evidence any clear effect on CLOs occurrence rates in B. bufo. Although preliminary, these results suggest a random and ubiquitous distribution of CLOs in the environment, which would support the biogeographical expectation 'everything is everywhere' for the concerned microorganisms.

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