Wer strebt am Ende des Medizinstudiums eine Hausärztekarriere an? Umfrage unter Schweizer Studierenden []

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B. Diallo et al., « Wer strebt am Ende des Medizinstudiums eine Hausärztekarriere an? Umfrage unter Schweizer Studierenden [] », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10.1024/1661-8157/a003300


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How Many Advanced Medical Students Aim for a Career as a GP? Survey among Swiss Students Abstract. According to an earlier prognosis for 2025, Switzerland will lack 5000 general practitioners (GP), since only 10-20 % of medical students wanted to choose this profession at the time of the survey. The aim of our investigation among advanced medical students was to record their career intentions anew. Beside the probability of becoming a GP, we looked at the time point of this decision and at factors around family medicine (doctor-patient relation, career possibilities, etc.) influencing this decision. The results showed that measures to promote family medicine have been successful: 60 % of interrogated students are possible GPs (20 % decided, 40 % interested), 15 % are undecided, 25 % have decided not to become a GP. The favorable factors to become a GP were: autonomy, doctor-patient relationship, possibility of part-time work, work content. Less favorable were: income, reputation, political situation. These are the points where action is required to promote careers in family medicine with attractive training and practice conditions.

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