Finding the missing link: when community-based outreach in public space is key to engage migrants in health prevention programmes in Paris, France

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1 août 2020

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Anne Gosselin et al., « Finding the missing link: when community-based outreach in public space is key to engage migrants in health prevention programmes in Paris, France », Archined : l'archive ouverte de l'INED, ID : 10.1136/jech-2019-213394


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Background One of the classic challenges for prevention programmes is reaching the populations they serve. In France, a substantial number of African migrants living with HIV acquired their infection after migrating. The aim of this paper is to better understand the characteristics of the population reached by a community-based outreach approach. Methods We compared sociodemographic characteristics across three different groups in the Paris greater area: (1) the general African migrant population (Population census), (2) the African migrant population using either the regular healthcare system or the system for vulnerable populations (PARCOURS Survey) and (3) the African migrant population reached through a community-based mobile unit (Afrique Avenir). Comparisons were conducted according to sex, age, region of origin, duration of residence and occupational and legal statuses using χ2 tests. Results The migrants reached by the mobile unit were mostly men (69%), 52% of whom were younger than 35 years old. They more often lived in precarious situations than did the general sub-Saharan population (49% vs 35% were unemployed, respectively, p

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