Leaf wettability

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23 juillet 2019

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Alexandre Leca, « Leaf wettability », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.15454/2AVGI9


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This dataset contains wettability data in the form of contact angles measured on plant leaves. - First data provided are dynamic (advancing and receding) and receding (deposit and dropped) contact angles of water droplets on apple leaves (8 cultivars) and Parafilm 'M' (control substrate), destined to be used in the article "Apple leaf wettability variability in function of genotype and apple scab susceptibility". The data file Angles.tab is in ASCII raw text and columns separated by a tab. It contains 3 columns : * CV : substrate * Value : contact angle value in degrees (°) * Type : type of angle (advancing, receding, deposited, dropped)

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