A joint database of French catchments and piezometers

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6 septembre 2021

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ANTOINE PELLETIER, « A joint database of French catchments and piezometers », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.15454/GGAESY


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The database of streamflow and groundwater level data that was used for the following study: Pelletier, Antoine and Andréassian, Vazken, *A surface view on groundwater level information: how are floods and droughts seen by piezometers?*, Environmental Research Letters, 2021, under review It is composed of the daily data of 107 catchments and 355 piezometers, associated into 456 catchment/piezometer pairs. It was gathered and formatted by the Hydrology research team, UR HYCAR, INRAE research institute (http://webgr.inrae.fr). Data were cropped to the 1958-08-01 - 2018-07-31 period. Data are distributed as a .tar.gz archive to download.

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