Social issues in China's cultural and literary productions (2012-2025): film, literature, theatre, visual arts

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18 avril 2024


Sciences Po

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Marcin JACOBY et al., « Social issues in China's cultural and literary productions (2012-2025): film, literature, theatre, visual arts », Data.sciencespo, ID : 10.21410/7E4/WJLP5N


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The open access section of the database consists of links to materials on cultural and literary productions, online artist information, and venues used in the research on Chinese society and culture as part of the China Horizons (DWARC) project. It also includes a "Chinese theatre mindmap" with ample information on Chinese theatre, as well as statistical data on the cultural sector in China. The closed access section includes archived copies of WeChat and other Internet materials, fragments of literary works, as well as scans of event catalogues, mostly in Chinese. These materials can only be accessed by researchers affiliated at European research institutions. Learn more about the project:

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