Les quartiers de Paris du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle. Évolution d'un espace plurifonctionnel

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Robert Descimon et al., « Les quartiers de Paris du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle. Évolution d'un espace plurifonctionnel », Annales, ID : 10.3406/ahess.1979.294103


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The mediaeval quarters of Paris in the 18th century Evolution of multi-functional space Robert DESCIMON et Jean NAGLE This article based on critical review of the nature of the sources demonstrates the stability and cohesion of the ancient Parisian administrative areas Municipal wards existed before Etienne Marcel and they served as the mould for the police divisions Their justification lay in the vital functions they performed first among these being defence which was one of the founding principles of the Middle Ages This geography persisted down the ages because it favoured the interests of the civic leaders But functions changed along with the transformation of the city necessitating complete reorganization of the urban network in the last quarter of the 17th century Police gained independence from the municipal framework to which popular participation had ceased to give meaning and life Thus under Louis XIV the classical city with its ancient harmonies gave way to an absolutist one directly controlled by the State thus consolidating the rupture between governing class and people

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