Genèse du village abbatial de Caunes-Minervois

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Dominique Baudreu et al., « Genèse du village abbatial de Caunes-Minervois », Archéologie du Midi Médiéval, ID : 10.3406/amime.2010.1962


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Up to now, the history of the formation of the village of Caunes didn’t arouse any particular comment. As a consequence, this approach is only a preliminary study susceptible to be completed and amended. As of very numerous Benedictine abbeys, that of Caunes generated an important grouped habitat in its immediate vicinity. Through the attraction it exercised on a certain number of grouped or scattered habitats, it participated in the reshaping of the medieval village. The connection of the main roads leading to the abbey and the local land division allows to differentiate hypothetical phases in the growth of the agglomeration. The crossing of textual and planimetric data tries to replace its genesis in its historic context, especially through the notions of immunity/ protection particular to sacred spaces including abbey churches.

FRE: terroir, chemin, abbaye, enclos abbatial, village abbatial, habitat groupé, morphogenèse, immunité.

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