Sur les basses surfaces de l'Ile de Ceylan (Lowlands topography in Sri Lanka)

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André Louchet, « Sur les basses surfaces de l'Ile de Ceylan (Lowlands topography in Sri Lanka) », Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français, ID : 10.3406/bagf.1981.5221


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s. - The Western and Eastern lowlands of Ceylon, although characterized by the same lithological topics, reveal geomorphic features without any analogy. The study of those features do reveal a close relationship between the topography and the climate pattern, the island being divided in a wet and a dry zone. The only doubtful point in this sequence is the stability of the climate in the past. The author emphasizes the fact that the monsoon contrast in South Asia should have been active since miocene times.

. - Les basses surfaces de l'Ouest et de l'Est de Ceylan, de composition lithologique semblable, présentent des modelés fort différents. Ce contraste ne semble pouvoir s'expliquer que par une opposition climatique. Celle-ci aurait persisté depuis le Miocène.

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