Sur la définition de déphasages nucléaires à partir d'expériences de diffusion élastique de particules chargées

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Jean Reignier, « Sur la définition de déphasages nucléaires à partir d'expériences de diffusion élastique de particules chargées », Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, ID : 10.3406/barb.1962.65438


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The quasi-nuclear phase shifts obtained from elastic scattering expriments with charged particles are corrected in order to derive true nuclear phase shifts (i. e. phase shifts corresponding to fictituous neutral particles with the same strong interaction properties). At a given energy, the correction is made by relating each-nuclear phase shift to a «nuclear plus Coulomb » potential whose Coulomb part is then eliminated by a perturbative calculation to first order in ɑ (ɑ = Z1 Z2 e2/ħv). In this calculation, we use a simple representation of the regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions, which is correct to order a. The discussion of an example shows that in the case of π — N scattering, this correction can still be neglected at the present time.

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