On the distribution, and its cumulants, of the sum of squares of the dispersion about the mean of n ordered variates subject to a linear restraint

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Prem Chandra Consul, « On the distribution, and its cumulants, of the sum of squares of the dispersion about the mean of n ordered variates subject to a linear restraint », Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, ID : 10.3406/barb.1962.65545


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Summary. — In this paper Bartlett's (1938) Principle of joint characteristic function has been utilised to get the characteristic function of the distribution of the sum of squares of dispersion about the mean of ordered variates in samples of size n, subject to a linear restraint. Then the Inversion Theorem has been used to derive the distribution, which is found to be slightly skew and leptokurtic in form with the help of cumulants.

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