Muséologie erratique

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Ignace Vandevivere, « Muséologie erratique », Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, ID : 10.3406/barb.1995.20268


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Museums have once again become civic monuments (indeed at times temples). This does not make the future of this institution any more secure than before. Today museums are kept afloat by outside events, a policy which corrodes the aim of museums that of preserving our heritage and nourish our culture. Museums have engendered specific types of art and of creativity. They play an active role in the very constitution of their object (art) and in developing our understanding of it. The "Thruth" of museum would consist of making creative criticism an integral part of its institutional structures of selecting works and of communicating with the public. The process is a productive illusion of erratic nature. "Erratic" in sense of refusing fixed definitions and interpretations in order to benefit from the disparity of the collection to turn it into place of encounter where the visitor can recover his one sense of initiative. The mediatized approach discourages an in situ approach which remains however the way to awaken the spectator to the enigma of the real and the pleasure of discovery.

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