Étude des Melyridae de l'Afrique Australe. III. Le genre Calosotis Redtenbacher (Coleoptera)

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Robert Constantin, « Étude des Melyridae de l'Afrique Australe. III. Le genre Calosotis Redtenbacher (Coleoptera) », Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, ID : 10.3406/bsef.1991.17680


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Summary. — Six new species and two new subspecies belonging to the genus Calosotis are described from Southern Africa : Calosotis apicalis n. sp., from W Cape Province, Calosotis apicalis columbinensis n. ssp., from SW Cape Prov., Calosotis apicalis namaquae n. ssp., from NW Cape Pro v., Calosotis namibiae n. sp., from E Namibia, Calosotis elongata n. sp., from SE Namibia, Calosotis endroedyi n. sp. and Calosotis prinslooi n. sp., both from SW Cape Prov. Dasytiscus donckieri Pic is synonymized with Calosotis setulosa Redtenbacher. The close affinities of Calosotis with the nearctic genera Emmenotarsus, Trichochrous and Listropsis are stressed, and Calosotis is ranked in the tribe Listrini of Majer. The outstanding characters are the convex pronotum and the peculiar lamellate tibial spurs of the males. The number of tibial spines appears to be sex-influenced, and, to some extent, size-influenced. Two keys for males and females are given. Most anatomical characters are figured, as well as a map of their distribution.

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