Révision du genre Galinthias Stål, 1877 (Mantodea, Galinthiadidae)

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Speciation (Biology)

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Roger Roy et al., « Révision du genre Galinthias Stål, 1877 (Mantodea, Galinthiadidae) », Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, ID : 10.3406/bsef.2014.29353


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Revision of the genus Galinthias Stål, 1877 (Mantodea, Galinthiadidae). This paper is a genus revision of Galinthias Stål, 1877, which also contains the newly described species G. rhomboidalis n. sp. The genus Galinthias is widely distributed south of the sub-Sahara line and is also present in some countries in the Middle East with the species G. philbyi (Uvarov, 1936), n. comb. With the newly described species G. rhomboidalis n. sp. and the new combination of G. philbyi, there are now five species recorded within the genus Galinthias : G. amoena (Saussure, 1871), G. meruensis Sjöstedt, 1909, G. rhomboidalis n. sp., G. occcidentalis Beier, 1930, and G. philbyi (Uvarov, 1936). G. philbyi was formerly sorted under the genus Arabistania Koçak & Kemal, 2008, which had replaced the genus Attalia Uvarov, 1936, due to homonymy. The status of Attalia has been discussed by Beier (1937) and Kaltenbach (1982) with regards to whether it should belong to the genus Galinthias. Extensive research for this paper, including first-time genital examinations of Arabistania, has produced clear evidence that Arabistania belongs to the genus Galinthias. It also became clear that many of the Galinthias specimens in collections have been wrongly identified by previous scientists. For this reason the authors felt it necessary to re-examine most of the specimens and especially their genitals, which had been largely ignored in the past. Furthermore, comparisons of several Galinthias type-specimens showed that the species Galinthias usambarica Sjöstedt, 1909, is a new synonym of G. amoena (Saussure, 1871), whilst in the past it had been treated as a synonym of G. meruensis. In this paper, a new family Galinthiadidae is established, which will include the closest relative of Galinthias, the African genera Pseudoharpax Saussure, 1870, and Congoharpax La Greca, 1954. This is supported by the phylogenetic relationship seen in the cladistics-sequence-data phylogram which is pictured in the paper of Svenson & Whiting (2009). For the first time a comprehensive distribution map has been compiled, showing many new localities for all known species. A historical overview of the genus Galinthias is provided, as well as a key to the species in French and English.

Le genre de la région Éthiopienne Galinthias Stål, 1877, est complètement révisé après une nouvelle définition qui inclut Arabistania Koçak & Kemal, 2008, mis en synonymie. Une autre synonymie intervient au niveau spécifique avec Galinthias usambarica Sjöstedt, 1909, n. syn. de G. amoena (Saussure, 1871), et une nouvelle espèce est décrite, G. rhomboidalis n. sp. Ainsi, le genre Galinthias renferme maintenant cinq espèces : G. amoena (Saussure, 1871), G. meruensis Sjöstedt, 1909, G. occidentalis Beier, 1930, G. philbyi (Uvarov, 1936), et G. rhomboidalis n. sp., qui font l’objet de nouvelles descriptions avec figuration des genitalia mâles après des clés d’identification en français et en anglais. De plus, la position systématique de Galinthias est reconsidérée pour tenir compte de sa place dans le phylogramme de Svenson & Whiting (2009), avec la nouvelle famille des Galinthiadidae, séparée des Hymenopodidae où ce genre était classé jusqu’à présent. Enfin, une carte indique la distribution connue pour les différentes espèces.

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