Child subjective well-being studies. Some points for discussion

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Jonathan Bradshaw, « Child subjective well-being studies. Some points for discussion », Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, ID : 10.3406/caf.2019.3361


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The justification for undertaking research on child subjective well-being has been challenged on three grounds : that it is a smokescreen diverting attention from more serious issues in childhood ; that the measures of subjective well-being available lack reliability and validity ; and that the results of the research have little or no policy relevance. Each of these challenges are considered drawing on national and comparative empirical research (with a partial focus on France) undertaken over the last ten years. It is acknowledged that there is some truth in all three arguments, nevertheless research on subjective well-being has a part in the study of all domains of child subjective well-being. Subjective well-being has been and continues to be measured over time and between countries successfully ; and there are examples of policy makers acting as a result of the findings.

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