La question du sanctuaire de Limassol-Komissariato : modalités de la présence phénicienne dans le royaume d'Amathonte

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Laurence Alpe, « La question du sanctuaire de Limassol-Komissariato : modalités de la présence phénicienne dans le royaume d'Amathonte », Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, ID : 10.3406/cchyp.2007.1507


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The material retrieved from the Cypro-Archaic sanctuary of Limassol-Komissariato gives important informations about the long-debated issue of Phoenician penetration in the Amathous kingdom. Notable Eastern influences do not define this place as a purely Phoenician sanctuary : some terracottas have affinities with Phoenician and Punic productions, as remarked by many scholars, but the zoomorphic figurines are isolated ; besides, most of the material, and especially the ceramics, are certainly of local manufacture. The evidence thus suggests an indigenous cult which incorporated Phoenician elements, well established in the city-capital. Since the publication of the Limassol-Komissariato sanctuary, thirty years ago, new discoveries in Limassol and its area show a strong Phoenician influence in local crafts but they do not give indisputable proof for a Phoenician presence in the Amathus kingdom.

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