Nicocréon, le dernier roi de Salamine de Chypre. Discours idéologique et pouvoir politique

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In the present study my aim is to analyse the text preserved on this priceless inscription (IG IV, 583) as the discourse of a king trying to put in place a policy allowing him to play an important role in the new order imposed by the Macedonians. The epigram reveals the genius of Nicocreon who was able to create an ideological discourse and follow a pragmatic policy that allowed him to place himself in a continuity, attaching him to the remarkable past of his kingdom and inscribing him, beforehand, in the future. The last of the Teucrides is not a melancholic witness to the end of the Cypriot kingdoms ; on the contrary, he is a major actor in the era following the rise of the Macedonians, an era marked by the events that changed the Hellenic world’s destiny.

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