La naissance de la mission

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Frenchmen (French people)

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Ludovic Thély, « La naissance de la mission », Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, ID : 10.3406/cchyp.2014.1539


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About one hundred years after the first French Expedition who took place in Cyprus, leaded by two members of the French School at Athens (EfA), Vassos Karageorghis, director of the Department of Antiquities, proposed in 1969 to Pierre Amandry, director of the EfA, to begin extent excavations on the site of Amathous, whose the urban fabric and its monuments were almost unknown. This paper, based on the official archives of the EfA and the Ministery of Foreign Offices in Paris, deals with the long process of the birth of this new archaeological mission. The final decision was taken shortly after the tragic events of 1974.

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