Chypre dans le nouvel ordre méditerranéen de l’époque hellénistique. Approches épigraphiques

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Anaïs Michel, « Chypre dans le nouvel ordre méditerranéen de l’époque hellénistique. Approches épigraphiques », Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, ID : 10.3406/cchyp.2016.1692


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In this paper we aim to shed light on one of today’s most dynamic fields of Cypriot studies, i. e. the Hellenistic period and the Ptolemaic occupation of the island from 295/ 4 to 31 B. C. Based on a PhD project devoted to the reading of the Greek inscriptions of Hellenistic Cyprus and the study of the Cypriot society under Ptolemaic rule, it outlines the specificities of the Hellenistic period in Cyprus, and discusses its traditional representation as a «brand new world». It will first recall Cyprus’ political, strategic and economical importance in the Ptolemaic foreign policy, and then focus on the installation of an administrative and military staff on the island. These synthetic lines will highlight the new Mediterranean networks of the Ptolemaic period. In the last part of the article I will focus on the role taken by the Cypriote elite both in local and external contexts.

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