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Jean-Louis Triaud, « Hommes de religion et confréries islamiques dans une société en crise, l'Aïr aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Le cas de la Khalwatiyya. », Cahiers d'Études africaines, ID : 10.3406/cea.1983.2247
J.-L. Triaud — Men of Religion and Tariqat in a Society in Turmoil : The Khalwatiyya in 19th- and 20th-Century Air. After World War II administrative reports in the Air region of the Niger colony (today's Niger Republic) mention a 'new' brotherhood, Khalwatiyya, which competes successfully with the long-established Qadiriyya. The khalwati shaykh Malam Mu sa Abatul maintains that his way has been introduced in Air by a ioth-century scholar and 'saint', Si Mahmud al-Baghdadi, and transmitted up to him through a regular silsila. Khalwatiyya, rather than Qadiriyya (and even more than Sanusiyya), could well be considered as the 'national' tariqa of Air. It is in fact far more likely that it was introduced or, at least, reactivated by Malam Mu sa, in order to strengthen the influence of the southern, sedentary ineslemen (members of the religious fractions) as against the northern warlike fractions, especially the Kunta. This is evidenced by the stress put upon gardening, modem European-style education and generai policy of co-operation with the French, after the failure of Kawsan's (Kaocen) uprising of 1916-17. The rise of the Khalwatiyya would thus resuit more from a manipulation than from a restauration.