De la métaphysique à la théorie de la connaissance

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Yvon Bélaval, « De la métaphysique à la théorie de la connaissance », Dix-Huitième Siècle, ID : 10.3406/dhs.1979.1234


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Yvon Belaval : From metaphysics to the theory of knowledge. The transition, vie Locke, from the innate Cartesian idea-concept, with ontological implications, to the acquired idea-image, limited to phenomena, ruined classical metaphysics. The idea, no longer guaranteed by God, can now oniliy be validated by its origin or its beginning, which demands analysis. The 18th Century is rationalist because it believes in the value of human reason, and sceptical because it does not believe it capable of going beyond appearances. But it did not deny the innate nature of feelings. Thus reemerged a dogmatism which was no longer theoretical but practical. The century was haunted by experience, action and education. From the idea-image emerges a new system of aesthetics leading to a new conception of genius.

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