La loi et ses monuments en 1791

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Marc Deming et al., « La loi et ses monuments en 1791 », Dix-Huitième Siècle, ID : 10.3406/dhs.1982.1383


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Mark K. Deming and Claudine de Vaulchier : The law and its monuments in 1791. Reflecting the Enlightenment's intellectual preoccupations, architecture in late 18th-century France, was intended to exert a social and moralizing influence, especially through public buildings. Nowhere, perhaps, was such an idea more explicitly illustrated than in the Discours sur les monuments publics delivered by A.G. Kersaint in 1791, which called for the construction of several Parisien monuments embodying the new political order. Two of these were meant to strengthen the power of the law : the 'prytanée', a structure for bill-posting, originated in response to the conflict about placarding rights ; three different types, throughout the city, were to be the main source of instructions for citizens. The second, the national assembly hall, was to provide the People's delegates

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