Le sang des Atrides. Sur les tragédies de Crébillon

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Hélène Giaufret : The blood of the Atrides. The elder Crébillon has been considered as the dramatist of horror ; the cup of blood offered to Thyestes by Atreus seems to have exerted a sort of fascination over critics. Thus a new reading of these tragedies must take as its starting point the theme of blood. A textual analysis reveals a high frequency of the lexeme blood and the predominance of figurative over literal uses. Through metaphors, synecdoches and metonymies, blood stands for both life and death, the individual, his ancestors, descendants, family and even caste. Concordances enable us to see the different roles of blood. Thus characters are caught in the trap of tragic language which leads them astray ; Atreus alone seems to keep a grasp on reality, but he succeeds in restoring language's univocity only by violating ethical and natural laws.

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