Les Jeunes de langue de Péra-lès-Constantinople

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Frédéric Hitzel, « Les Jeunes de langue de Péra-lès-Constantinople », Dix-Huitième Siècle, ID : 10.3406/dhs.1996.2092


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Frédéric Hitzel : the 'jeunes de langue' at Pera of Constantinople. Following Venice, which had created in the 16th century a school of oriental languages in order to form dragomans, the French minister Colbert's edict of 18th November 1669 set up, at the request of the Marseilles Chamber of Commerce, a school of professional interpreters to act as dragomans for French ambassadors and consuls in the East. The school was called the school of "Enfants de langue" or "Jeunes de langue". After studying at the Parisian college of Louis-le-Grand, the pupils were sent at the age of twenty to the Capucin convent at Pera in Constantinople, where they perfected their knowledge of Turkish, Arabic and Persian. The great period of this school was between 1721 and 1762, after which it declined, particulary on the creation in Paris of the School of Oriental Languages. It ceased to exist in Constantinople in 1831 and in Paris in 1873.

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