A measure of inequality between income distributions

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Camilo Dagum, « A measure of inequality between income distributions », Économie appliquée (documents), ID : 10.3406/ecoap.1978.4253


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This study introduces a new measure of income inequality that complements the traditional one as those proposed by Gini, Theil, Bowley, Kuznets and others. While the latter are competitive measures that purport to account for the degree of inequality inside a given population of income units (we call them here intra-income inequality ratios) the former is intended to measure the degree of inequality between income distributions, hence, it is a measure of inter-income inequality. The mathematical form of this new measure is derived from the proposed definition without any parametric assumption of the underlying income distributions. Then its mathematical form is derived under a parametric assumption of an income distribution model specified by the author. This study concludes with an analysis of the intra-and inter-income inequality among regions in Canada (1971) and between races (white and black) in the USA (1974).

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