S'il te plaît, dessine-moi... un marché

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Copyright PERSEE 2003-2023. Works reproduced on the PERSEE website are protected by the general rules of the Code of Intellectual Property. For strictly private, scientific or teaching purposes excluding all commercial use, reproduction and communication to the public of this document is permitted on condition that its origin and copyright are clearly mentionned.

Résumé En Fr

Our article is concerned with the way in which classical and neoclassical theories conceptualize the working of a market economy. Concerning price formation, one flaw is underlined, – a confusion in the theorist’s and economic agents’ respective scopes of information. The importance and implications of the freedom assumption, as an essential feature in economic actors’ portrayal, is also stressed.

Dans cet article nous analysons la manière dont la théorie économique conceptualise le fonctionnement de l’économie de marché, en particulier la formation des prix, et les traits qu’elle assigne aux agents économiques. Sur le premier point, nous montrons la carence des théories, tant classique que néoclassique. Sur le second, nous soulignons l’importance de l’hypothèse de liberté, comme caractérisation des agents, ainsi que ses implications.

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