Enjeux de la conservation et de la valorisation du géomorphosite du cirque de Navacelles (Larzac méridional, France)

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Martine Ambert et al., « Enjeux de la conservation et de la valorisation du géomorphosite du cirque de Navacelles (Larzac méridional, France) », Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, ID : 10.3406/edyte.2013.1248


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The "cirque de Navacelles" represents the perfect model of cut-off meander at the bottom of a deep gorge. This exemplary geomorphosite belongs to the wider site of the gorge of the Vist whose sector between Vissec and Madières was classified in two phases. While the classified site takes into account only the gorge up to the cornice, the inscribed sector protects also the border of the limestone plateaus of Larzac and Blandas, testifying of the link between the plateau and the gorges. This presentation concerns the protected area of the "Cirque de Navacelles". Our objective is to review the stakes in term of management and valorisation of this geomorphosite. The recent inscription of the territory on UNESCO's World Heritage List in conformance with cultural, alive and evolutionary landscape (agro-pastoralism) strengthens the current events of the subject. The first part aims at showing that the central value of this geomorphosite is above all géomorphologie. It is an original example of cut-off meander, more complex than a simple one. The karst, causes the accumulation of Holocene tuffs which heightened the talweg and induced the pouring, then the inversion of trend at the origin of the waterfall. The "Cirque de Navacelles" knows an annual average fréquentation of 250 000 visitors today. The quantitative and qualitative studies of fréquentation show the misunders¬ tanding of the visitors for the object of their visit and express a strong need of a better understanding of the landscape which they have in front of them. In order to better control this high touristic fréquentation three levels of intervention must be considered. Firstly the meander at the bottom of the gorge must not be considered by the visitors only as a parking. Finally it is necessary to allow him (her) to understand the history of this landscape by different interpretation tools. The last part of the communication will evoke the strategies developed to answer these different stakes.

Le cirque de Navacelles représente le modèle parfait, achevé de recoupement de méandre au fond d'une profonde gorge. Ce géomorphosite exemplaire s'inscrit dans celui plus vaste des gorges de la Vis dont le secteur entre Vissée et Madières a été classé en deux temps. La communication porte spatialement sur cet espace protégé, ainsi délimité. Notre objectif est de faire l'état des lieux des enjeux de gestion et de valorisation de ce site très fréquenté. L'insertion récente du territoire dans l'espace labellisé Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco au titre de Paysage culturel, vivant et évolutif (agro-pastoralisme) renforce l'actualité du sujet.

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