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Patrick Bazin et al., « Un espace de liberté pour la Loire et l'Allier : de la détermination géomorphologique à la gestion / Optimum streamways for the Loire and Allier », Géocarrefour (documents), ID : 10.3406/geoca.1996.4355
Over recent years, the governmental "Loire Grandeur Nature" Plan and the European "Life Loire Nature" Program helped renew interest in the Loire River. Due to complex fluvial dynamics and to the diversity of human actions, it is difficult to determine the river's optimum streamway. Various experiments linked to the European Life-Loire-Nature program have been carried out, two examples of which are presented in this paper. Concerning the river Allier, the rapid action of the conservationists' associations had been triggered out by the lateral instability of the channel and by the increase in engineering works. Downstream, on the Loire River, the protection of the fluvial system is based on the requirement to protect the flood- plain. The equilibrium of the fluvial system is based on the preservation of the upstream channel.