Heurs et malheurs du Coeur, des chansons de geste au Planh de Sordel

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Luminiţa Diaconu, « Heurs et malheurs du Coeur, des chansons de geste au Planh de Sordel », Hiperboreea Journal. Journal of History, ID : 10.3406/hiper.2018.946


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This analysis focuses on exploring the images of the heart in the epic genre, including a singular case of imaginary heart-eating (cardiophagia) that is highlighted in le planh written by the troubadour Sordel. This wild behavior associated with otherness, above all with the cannibals of the Far East, stands out from the medieval literary corpus focused on the punishment of an illicit love. It also reveals, like other images of the heart present in the chansons de geste, a very subde play between the concrete appearance of an organ and its metaphorical significations. In other words, this game enables a symbolic quantification of such abstract notions as courage, bravery, physical strength or, on the contrary, cowardice.

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