Images de l’idéologie royale khmère aux frontons du temple d’Īśvarapura (967 ap. J.-C.). Nouvelles hypothèses (I)

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Sharon Alvares, « Images de l’idéologie royale khmère aux frontons du temple d’Īśvarapura (967 ap. J.-C.). Nouvelles hypothèses (I) », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.1998.2794


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The Royal Iconographie Program of Isvarapura temple (ca. 969). Part I. Built ca. 969, the well-known temple of Īśvarapura, dedicated to Śiva, is a masterpiece in its iconographie program devoted to kingship. The first part of this study discusses the identification of two pediments, placing them within the general sculptural program. The first, Durgā Mahisāspuramardani, unlike the Indian tradition, shows the devil buffalo, Mahisa, as he transforms into a man. The second, identified in 1929 as Indra’s rain, depicts, in fact, the fire of the Khândava forest as related in the Indian Adiparvan of the Mahâhhàrata, although it also refers to the Indonesian version of the Mahâhhàrata, composed in 10th century Java. Thus, while Durgā, placed in front of Śiva Tribhuvanarnesvara’s sanctuary, protects him, the significance of the Khandava’s fire appears to be the conquest of the world.

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