Images de l’idéologie royale khmère aux frontons du temple d’Īśvarapura (967 ap. J.-C.). Nouvelles hypothèses (II)

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Sharon Alvares, « Images de l’idéologie royale khmère aux frontons du temple d’Īśvarapura (967 ap. J.-C.). Nouvelles hypothèses (II) », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.1998.2819


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Images of the royal khmer ideology on Isvarapura temple ’s pediments (967 A.D.). New interpretations (II). The first part of this research appeared in our previous issue. Here the decoration of the third enclosure of Isvarapura temple is examined. Different themes taken from the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics are presented : the duels of Bhima with Duryodhana, and of Valin with Sugriva ; the abduction of Tillotama and the abduction of Sita. These episodes are closely linked by a common set of themes connected with the royal legitimacy. The duels give an opportunity of stating the rules of conduct for the kings according to the rajadharma. Thus, together with the temple’s epigraphy, the whole collection of images in the program of Isvarapura temple exalt the royal personality in the exercise of its various duties. Indeed, although the temple was placed under the authority of Yajnavarah, a chaplain, it really is a royal foundation under the patronage of king Rajendravarman.

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