Les péripéties d’un inachèvement : l’église Saint-Louis des Chartrons à Bordeaux

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Renée Leulier, « Les péripéties d’un inachèvement : l’église Saint-Louis des Chartrons à Bordeaux », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.2004.3051


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An eventful incomplation : Saint-Louis des Chartrons’ church in Bordeaux. The Bordeaux suburb of Les Chartrons was separated from the town by Château Trompette and its glacis. Building a parish church was a lasting concern of the archbishop and the project was taken up again in 1749, and was supported by intendant Tourny ; the latter asked architect André Portier, a pupil of Jacques V Gabriel, for grand plans of the church which had to be integrated in a vast urban scheme. The latent conflict between the intendant and the councillors, the premature death of Tourny junior, the intendant of Guyenne, the marshy nature of the ground and the high cost of such a project led to the church being left incomplete. This failure is also due to the fact that the building bore the stamp of the taste and practices of religious architecture of the years 1720-1740 then rejected by the advocates of a new “ greco-gothic ” ideal.

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