Le siège social du Crédit lyonnais à Lyon (1880-1907)

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Marie-Hélène Chazelle, « Le siège social du Crédit lyonnais à Lyon (1880-1907) », Histoire de l'art, ID : 10.3406/hista.2005.3089


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The head, office of the Crédit lyonnais in Lyon (1880-1935) The head office of the Crédit lyonnais first moved in 1863 into rented premises in the Palais du commerce of the town and then in 1874 into a block of flats in the rue de la République. As early as 1881, when in Paris important works turned the branch into a central office, in Lyon the administration asked architect Gaspard André for a building plan, which was never carried out. It was only in the beginning of the 20th century that the Crédit lyonnais resumed its plans in Lyon and chose architect Victor Cahuzac to conduct the construction works between 1904 and 1908, which considerably modified the inner organization of services as well as the external aspect of the former building. So V. Cahuzac followed the banque procedure as it was then defined in particular in the building of the great Parisian headquarters of the Comptoir national d ’escompte or Crédit lyonnais. This paper underlines the specific features of the Lyonese building finished in 1935.

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