L'habitation rurale traditionnelle : une étude ethno-botanique en territoire Maya

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Lourdes Villers Ruiz, « L'habitation rurale traditionnelle : une étude ethno-botanique en territoire Maya », Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée, ID : 10.3406/jatba.1981.3831


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The results of this research show, the architecture and engineering of a traditional house in two "Ejidos" of the yucatan-maya area : Ruins of Cobâ and Macario Gomez, located in the northwest region of Quintana Roo State. The different parts of the house structure are described and the plant materials which were used have been identified. Data on the function of these materials as part of the structure are given as well as their names in the maya-yucatecan language. Most of the villagers prefer certain types of wood for building definite pieces. This uses are correlated with the presence of certain types of vegetation and with characteristic cultural patterns. The building of the house is done through and oral and practical tradition. There is no need for plans ; the house is built around a modular idea for the construction of a demountable structure.

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