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Agnès SALINAS, « Traduction automatique des langues et modélisations des interactions langagières », Langages, ID : 10.3406/lgge.2001.901
This paper aims to tackle the question of automatic translation of languages, from a psycholinguistic viewpoint. We shall consider the issue in relation to the following problematic areas: intra- and extra-linguistic interactions between dialogues and, more particularly, interactions between cultural substratum's. An ALT (Automatic Language Translation) system should be able to pick out the connections between what is said, by whom and to whom, and incorporate the cultural and developmental variables. The works presented here illustrate the complexity involved in constructing a method for the exchange of information between source language and target language, especially when the formatting can differ in many ways, for example in spatial and contextual dimensions. In fact, one cannot effectively use computers to study dialogues without first analysing the cognitive complexity of the representations generated by individual cultural and linguistic substratum's.