Formes et fonctions structurantes. A propos de quelques interjections en ancien et en moyen francais

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Jean-Jacques Vincensini, « Formes et fonctions structurantes. A propos de quelques interjections en ancien et en moyen francais », Langages, ID : 10.3406/lgge.2006.2708


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Jean-Jacques Vincensini: Structuring Forms and Functions: Interjections in Old and Middle French The fictional works in Old and Middle French display with a particular clarity some issues raised by the interjection, while at the same time, providing their own solutions. We think about, among others, semiological (relative to the sign's arbitrariness), syntactical (phrasal freedom or constraint), or semantical questions (textual création and stéréotypes, affective or conceptual expression). In order to consider some of the issues raised by Médiéval language and writing, we will work on a double corpus: the only manuscript from the 13th century which keeps the " chantefable" Aucassin et Nicolette; and the manuscript from the beginning of the 15th century which provides the best version of the Roman de Mélusine of Jean d'Arras. First we will consider the forms and functions of the interjections, in the poetics of rhythm and the building of the spécifie effects of dramatization in Aucassin et Nicolette. The reading of Mélusine will lead us to the study of the lexigenesis, to the séquence of writing, and therefore, to punctuation, and also to the translation of certain interjections. We surmise that thèse two texts will not be viewed as évidence of the évolution of a similar set of problems or of a similar interjectional form, but as illustrations of spécifie questions raised by two states language two centuries apart.

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