Un nouveau Phaeochroops Candèze d'Inde du Nord (Col. Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae)

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Denis Keith, « Un nouveau Phaeochroops Candèze d'Inde du Nord (Col. Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae) », Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, ID : 10.3406/linly.2001.11389


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A new Phaeochroops Candèze from north India (Col. Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae) -Description of Phaeochroops meghalayicus n. sp. from northeastern India. According to the genitalia, Phaeochroops meghalayicus n. sp. pertains to a group including P. colopacilis Kuijten 1981, P. lakhonicus Kuijten 1981, P. laotianus Paulian 1945, P. masumotoi Nishikawa 1996, P. ninbin Kuijten 1981, P. opacicollis Arrow 1909, P. seres Kuijten 1981, but may be readily distinguished by the punctuation much more sparse, without any coalescent series of punctures, especially on pronotum and the shape of the genitalia. It appears related to P. myanmarensis Keith 1998, from northern Myanmar, but differs by the shape of genitalia as well as its black colour, the less protruding eyes, the lateral pronotal margins much more arched, the basal half with an inward depression along them, its punctuation bigger, but also more sparse on disk, the anterior angles distinctly sharper, the elytra with distinctly longer setae in basal third, the elytral pubescence longer, not restricted to costal areas, the basal accessory denticles on fore tibiae directed forward, the longer and less obconical joints on protarsi, the apical spur not reaching the apex of the second metatarsal joint.

Description de Phaeochroops meghalayicus n. sp. d'Inde du Nord-Est.

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