Les Elateroidea (Coleoptera) de la Région Rhône-Alpes : les taupins ne manquent pas de ressort !

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Lucien Leseigneur, « Les Elateroidea (Coleoptera) de la Région Rhône-Alpes : les taupins ne manquent pas de ressort ! », Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, ID : 10.3406/linly.2010.13765


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Elaterid coleoptera of Rhone-Alpes : the click-beetles do not miss a spring ! Elateroidea (Elateridae, Melasidae, Eucnemidae, Throscidae) are coleoptera little known by the public except the «Taupin» Agriotes lineatus, harmful to the farming. Carnivores in the larval state, the adults Elateroidea are saproxylic or, phytophagous and develop in all the habitats, except aquatic, and in numerous biotopes. 243 species are recorded in France among which 32 were added to the general catalog since 1972. 2/3 are known for the region Rhone-Alpes which harbours a very diverse fauna, in particular boreo-alpine, with glacial relics like Selatosomus and Berninelsonius. Some endemic taxa are pointed out : Athous dejeanii from Dauphiné and Anostirus pseudosulphuripennis in the Mont Pilat. Some southern taxa are advancing from Drome, but we know of no invasive ones. This group seems very stable in terms of regional variety except local disappearances of anthropic origin. It seems however urgent to lead a detailed exploration of the old woods and their forest canopies where doubtless remain rare species attached to trees with cavities and to recommend the preservation of these. the adults Elateroidea are saproxylic or, phytophagous and develop in all the habitats, except aquatic, and in numerous biotopes. 243 species are recorded in France among which 32 were added to the general catalog since 1972. 2/3 are known for the region Rhone-Alpes which harbours a very diverse fauna, in particular boreo-alpine, with glacial relics like Selatosomus and Berninelsonius. Some endemic taxa are pointed out : Athous dejeanii from Dauphiné and Anostirus pseudosulphuripennis in the Mont Pilat. Some southern taxa are advancing from Drome, but we know of no invasive ones. This group seems very stable in terms of regional variety except local disappearances of anthropic origin. It seems however urgent to lead a detailed exploration of the old woods and their forest canopies where doubtless remain rare species attached to trees with cavities and to recommend the preservation of these.

Les Elateroidea (Elateridae, Melasidae, Eucnemidae, Throscidae) sont des coléoptères peu connus du public sauf Agriotes lineatus , le «Taupin», nuisible aux cultures. Saproxyliques, phytophages ou carnivores à l'état larvaire, les Elateroidea, se développent dans tous les habitats, sauf aquatiques, et dans de nombreux biotopes. La France compte 243 espèces, dont 32 ont été ajoutées au catalogue général depuis 1972. Les 2/3 sont connues de la région Rhône-Alpes qui abrite des faunes très diverses, notamment boréo-alpines, avec des reliques glaciaires des genres Selatosomus et Berninelsonius. Quelques espèces endémiques régionales sont signalées : Athous dejeanii du Dauphiné et Anostirus pseudosulphuripennis du Mont Pilât. Quelques taxons méridionaux progressent depuis la Drôme, mais on ne connait aucune espèce invasive. Ce groupe semble très stable en termes de diversité régionale sauf disparitions locales d'origine anthropique. Il apparaît cependant urgent de conduire une exploration approfondie des vieux boisements et de leurs canopées où se maintiennent sans doute de rares espèces inféodées aux arbres à cavités et de préconiser la conservation de ceux-ci.

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