Vertrieu, genèse d'un projet de territoire

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Brigitte Riboreau, « Vertrieu, genèse d'un projet de territoire », Le Monde alpin et rhodanien. Revue régionale d’ethnologie, ID : 10.3406/mar.2005.1866


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Vertrieu, the origins of a local development project The «old» castle and its «new» successor at Vertrieu (Nord-Isère) are part of an ongoing historical process which justifies them being treated as a whole. Five centuries separate the old 12th century fortress and its 17th century counterpart. Both are listed buildings, with work having been done on several occasions to protect and restore them. The present article détails ail the work done over the last 20 years, focusing in particular on the stakes for the local council and community, with regard to saving and enhancing their heritage. Though everyone is prepared to work together towards a long-term aim, the various parties have différent goals which reflect the many ways in which we perceive the notion of héritage.

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