Versatile artefacts: some remarks concerning a few Early Bronze Age metal blades from the Lower Danube

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Anca-Diana Popescu et al., « Versatile artefacts: some remarks concerning a few Early Bronze Age metal blades from the Lower Danube », Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, ID : 10.3406/mcarh.2016.1017


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Among the Bronze Age metal objects, a few copper and bronze blades stand apart mainly due to their large size and well defined midribs. Most of them were found in Muntenia, in settlement areas or in graves. They are very similar in aspect and size to the West and Central European halberds. Were they really used as halberds or their functionality was different in the Lower Danube area ? The main objectives of this study were to examine the contexts where these blades appeared and the items they were associated with, as well as to identify similar pieces from other cultural areas, their dating and possible functions.

Dintre piesele de metal ale epocii bronzului de la Dunărea de Jos se remarcă unele lame de cupru sau bronz, de dimensiuni considerabile, cu nervură mediană pronunţată. Cele mai multe dintre ele au fost descoperite ȋn Muntenia, ȋn zona unor aşezări sau ȋn morminte. Ca aspect şi dimensiuni, sunt foarte asemănătoare cu halebardele din Europa centrală şi de vest. Au fost ele utilizate ca halebarde sau funcționalitatea lor era una diferită la Dunărea de Jos ? În studiul de faţă ne- am propus să examinăm contextele în care apar aceste lame şi piesele cu care se asociază, formele similare identificate în alte spaţii culturale, datarea şi posibila lor funcţie.

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