Technopolisation and metropolisation in Western Europe. Technological transfers and regional environment

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Bernard Dezert, « Technopolisation and metropolisation in Western Europe. Technological transfers and regional environment », NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and communication studies, ID : 10.3406/netco.1996.1330


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In the regions of Western Europe, the capital cities, transactional poles, play a certain role in the development policies of new technologies and innovations. The technopolis or technoparks or scientific parks have been multiplied to favour research and development. But all national and regional cities have well to be mark representation in organising a~ promotional urban planning and festivities and will be a continuous shop-window of its realisation. Technopolisation has been a partnership between local municipalities, builders , universities and research workers.The old manufacturing cities and metropolitan areas well provided in training and research centres fit well for a new technological cycle. The proximity or distance of metropolis plays a role on employment conversion . But it's success requires a good working climate where workers make little claims. This requirement is unfair to the employment basins of preceding cycle with a strong tradition of workers' solidarity ; and gives preference to new towns over old cities. The role of local environment is not negligible. The taking into account of mentalities is very important, as well as that of access to banking facilities in the regional capital and to all communications. Accordingly, it is necessary to take a global view of the environment to succeed in a lasting technopolisation.

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