Histoire et régions, Canada/Québec. Du métropolitanisme au régionalisme

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Camil Girard, « Histoire et régions, Canada/Québec. Du métropolitanisme au régionalisme », Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire, ID : 10.3406/outre.1990.2818


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To understand the evolution of Canada, it is necessary to grasp that the nation is built both because and in spite of its geography. The vast natural regions have given way to become administrative territories (i.e. provinces) which in turn position themselves into larger alliances (the Atlantic provinces, the Central provinces, The Prairie or the North), all the while taking support from provincial districts which are divided into micro-regions. Canadian and Québécois historiography reflect the complexity of a nation which, beyond the bicultural reality, is influenced by both centrifugal and centripetal forces as may be clearly seen at the regional level (ex. Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean).

To understand the evolution of Canada, it is necessary to grasp that the nation is built both because and in spite of its geography. The vast natural regions have given way to become administrative territories (i.e. provinces) which in turn position themselves into larger alliances (the Atlantic provinces, the Central provinces, The Prairie or the North), all the while taking support from provincial districts which are divided into micro-regions. Canadian and Québécois historiography reflect the complexity of a nation which, beyond the bicultural reality, is influenced by both centrifugal and centripetal forces as may be clearly seen at the regional level (ex. Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean).

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